Wednesday 21 November 2012

Nathan's Diary Entry

Tuesday morning

Today my matches fell into my fire, so now the only heat I have for the cold winter night is my sleeping bag.

At 7:00am I ate 3 strawberries and a cookie. My vegetable crop is not going very well and I have no idea how I'm going to survive until Friday.

At 9:00am all I did was work again.

Today all that went wrong was that my matches fell into the fire and there were not many veggies.

This afternoon I thought I might die from my matches falling into the fire and my sleeping bag and the sun being my only type of heat so I'm felling pretty bummed out.

Tomorrow I might water the crop and kill another chicken so at least I will have some decent food to eat.

By Nathan.

Zonier's First Diary Entry

Day 1 Sunday 21st July

Today I arrived at this unfamiliar place. I had been kid napped by a man that I have never seen before. As I was on the helicopter they had my eyes blind folded, all I could see was darkness. Then he whispered in my ear "You are being taken to this fenced camp... you will not be able to escape until Friday the 26th of July." Then I heard an evil laugh, a laugh that I could remember from some where, but I wouldn't place where. Just that moment, I started panicking. Then they tied my hands up. I was frightened and filled with fear. I asked why I had to come here and he said I was to be in part of a fighting competition against Rey mysterio, John Cena, Bitista and Thee Rock. As I came to the ground they pushed me out.
I dusted myself off and looked in my bag. I found was a first aid kit, a sleeping bag, a complete spare change of clothes, a gas camping stove, a torch and a 24hour ration pack containing one packet of mixed soup, dehydrated veggies, powered milk, fruit cake, one packet of gum, 3 lumps of sugar and 4 biscuits. I had to think about how that would last me for a week.
When I went walking further through the camp all I saw was a wood pile, a hut, bare earth, grassy area, a veggie patch and a goat and some chickens. This is my first half a day here. Hopefully I will have a excellent day tomorrow.